First Snowfall in Oberursel, Germany, November 2021

On Saturday, while driving up Hohemarkstraße (direction Feldberg), the sun was out, and we could see snow on the mountains, which had fallen just the night before.

Right now, while typing this, I can see some light snow coming down. There is Vorfreude (anticipation) for more to come!

Snow on the Feldberg Taunus Mountain in March

Photo credits for this beautiful image go to Gregor Maier, who works at the Kultur und Geschichte des Hochtaunuskreises, and spends some of his free time exploring our local high lights for us couch potatoes.

The photo was taken on 14 March at the Feldberg Mountain.

Unfortunately, I had no chance to go up there myself at all this past winter, which was mostly due to blocked roads. Or some other excuse.

Snow over Camp King Oberursel, Germany

Our first snowfall has arrived early this morning, and these are the views from our kitchen window.

This view is in the direction of the Mountain Lodge.

This is the view in the direction of Hohemarkstrasse and the main gate.

These rows of townhouses all look the same when covered in snow.

German lesson: Schnee in Oberursel im Taunus

Some of you might wonder why Oberursel is often seen as Oberursel im Taunus or Oberursel/Ts. I had been told this was to set it apart from the other Oberursel located near Munich.

Now that I am researching this other Oberursel, it is nowhere to be found.

Anyway, yesterday afternoon we hiked up towards the Feldberg Mountain (near Schmitten) to finally see some snow. Look what I brought down from the mountain.

More snow Dec 2014

Snow December 2014

Today’s vocabulary:

der Schnee (snow)

schneien (to snow)

Es schneit gerade sehr viel. (It is snowing much right now)

Oberursel near the Taunus Feldberg Mountain

German word of the Day: die Umleitung

If you come to live in Oberursel, you’ll find yourself right in the middle between Frankfurt City (35 minutes by train) and the Feldberg Mountain (20 minutes by car).

Two days ago, the mountain had its first heavy snowfall and due to Eisbruch (ice disintegration) and tree branches falling off,  an Umleitung (detour) sign had to be put up.

Umleitung Feldberg

Feldberg Ast Dez 2014

This is what I call Winter Wonderland.

Feldberg Schnee Dez 2014

These photos were taken by @Bernd Lokki Peppler, published with his friendly permission.

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