German Term of the Day: der Standort

Frankfurt Airport is the second biggest airport in Europe (after Heathrow Airport London). So yes, it helps to find an orientation map on the parking ticket machine.

Ihr Standort (der Stand + der Ort) is German for ‘your location’.

You stand here. 🙂 = You are here.

Fasching 2019 in Oberursel

Hold on to your neckties today, because today’s Weiberfastnacht is the official beginning of the final culmination of Fasching. Dates vary every year (based on the Easter holiday), but these final days of celebrations always go from Thursday until Tuesday. This makes it six days of partytime for some.

On today’s Weiberfastnacht, ladies may cut off your tie. Wherever you are.

Many public and private parties are taking place, so there will be more random police checks on the roads this weekend.

Fasching in Oberursel

On Sunday, 3 March, take your children to the Faschingsparade in downtown Oberursel. The starting time for the parade is always 14:11.

For some pointers on what to do or what to bring, read my previous post Fasching Parade Oberursel.

Recently, Jen from simplegermany put together a very detailed guide on Carnival and Fasching in Germany. It combines in-depth up-to-date research as well as personal experience.
See for yourself:

Best 29 Beautiful German Words

Some of these words such as Kuttelmuttel (chaotic situation), Remmidemmi (noisy get-together), we often hear.

Others such as Mumpitz (nonsensical stuff), I’ve only heard once in my life.

Choose your favorites, and don’t forget to practice by saying them out loud.

Visit to the see the list of the best 29 most beautiful German words.

German Term for the Day: die Hundstage

From 23 July to 23 August, we will get to experience the Hundstage (the dog days of summer), which are supposed to be the hottest and most uncomfortable part of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

In Greek and Roman astrology,  this period was associated with heat, drought, sudden thunderstorms, lethargy, fever, mad dogs, and bad luck.

The Dog Days of Summer

German Lesson: der Schießstand

Many German learners have a difficult time differentiating the sound difference between the diphthongs ‘ie‘ and ‘ei‘. If the learners have an Anglo or ESL background, I advise them to read only the second diphthong vowel in English. That way, it comes out as the proper German pronunciation.

The word ‘Schießstand’ [ʃiːs] means shooting range.

If mispronounced as ‘Scheißstand’ [ʃaɪz], then you are talking about a shitting range. Whatever that means.



This sign is in Oberursel, pointing towards the shooting range, and if you proceed, you will also get to the animal shelter in the forest.

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