Photos of Camp King in Oberursel

A stateside reader of my post Zum Fuchstanz near Oberursel/Feldberg wrote that he had been living in Camp King in the 60s and was interested in its progress. And as I live so close to this former military camp – I can see it from my kitchen window – I sometimes tend to forget its historical significance.

Back in the 1960s, only fields and meadows separated the northern end of the camp from the Feldberg mountain. On those same fields, the German development “Im Rosengärtchen” was constructed in 1972, and this is where I am sitting and writing this post while facing the Feldberg mountain on this overcast day.

To revisit Camp King’s history, I took another walk through the area to take some photos.

One of the two buildings left on the northern end of the camp, which is facing the Feldberg mountain.

One of the two buildings left on the northern end of the camp, which is facing the Feldberg mountain.

The extended yard has been replaced by a narrow parking strip. Gone are the old trees!

The extended yard has been replaced by a narrow parking strip. Gone are the old trees!

Housing was built away from the main road (Hohemarkstrasse), but now has been filled in by a commercial building.

U.S. housing had been built away from the main road (Hohemarkstrasse), but now the space has been filled in by a commercial building.

Connecting the old with the new... I pass through this passage way everytime on my way to the super market.

Connecting the old with the new… I walk through this passage on my way to the super market.

Looking from the northern end building onto what used to be farmers's fields. The big housing yard is still there, but the view to the Feldberg is obstructed by this 1972 German housing project.

Looking from the northern end building onto what used to be farmers’ fields. Note: the big yard still is there, which must be the envy of the German neighbors with their Lilliputian plots.

Walking towards the end of the camp where the officers' housing used to be.

Walking towards the end of the camp where the administrative buildings and officers’ housing used to be.

A bit of nature left within the area for summer outings.

A bit of nature remains for summer outings.

Restored half-timbered house up on the hill

Yet unrestored half-timbered building up on the hill.

Old and new mixed in Camp King

Old and new mixed in Camp King

The camp was named after Colonel Charles B. King on 19.09.1946.

The camp was named after Colonel Charles B. King on 19.09.1946.

The former basketball gym's wooden floor was turned into a woodcarving by Thomas Kilpper. It is called "Don't look back" and tells Camp King's history.

The former basketball gym’s wooden floor was turned into a woodcarving and preserved by Thomas Kilpper, whose artwork tells the history of the camp.  He titled it “Don’t Look Back”.

To learn more about Oberursel and its Camp King history, visit Oberursel Today or you might like to join me on a walk through Camp King via podcast.


  1. Richard Dooley says


    Thank you for your wonderful web sites about Camp King and the city of Oberursel. I was stationed at Camp King with my wife and 3 sons from January 1979 to July 1985 and we absolutely loved every minute of it. We only lived on Camp King for 4 months and then Frau Grantz, who worked at Camp King, helped us find a house, first in Uzingen and then in Neu Anspach. We still call and write to our landlords. My wife, Kate, and I are planning to visit this summer which will be our first trip back in 25 years. I know Mr. Kilpper’s artwork is titled “Don’t Look Back”, but memories as nice as those of our years at Camp King are a joy to look back at.

    Again, thank you so very much,

    Rich Dooley
    Pentagon Force Protection Agency
    9000 Defense Pentagon
    Washington, D.C. 20301-9000

  2. Linda L. Hall says

    thank you for the pictures. My husband was stationed at Camp King from 1983 – 1987. We lived in Temporary quarters (on the 4th floor) of one of the buildings – then moved to Frankfurt at the Edwards facility. We had to commute from Frankfurt to Camp King – I used the Ubahn so much – can still close my eyes and see it. I was wonder is there still the Pizza shop (as you go out what was the front gate to the left) – it had some of the best Pizza with hot peppers – also at the stop for the Ubahn there was a bakery that had some of the best breads and coffee. Would buy my coffee there for home use and have it fresh ground. We were stationed two times in the Frankfurt area – the first time from 1977 – 1980. So we were in Germany for 6.5 years total. My Great Grandmother is of German decent. Last name was Eschbach. Never got a chance to really research it like I would have like – but the minute I steped on German soil I felt so at home. The people were so wonderful to my family – helping us learn the language and how to get around – enjoyed the Volksmarches. So many fond memories.

  3. Rich,
    When you do come this summer, please contact me. I will send you a private message with more information.
    Thanks for the positive feedback – this is always very much appreciated!

  4. Linda,
    The U-Bahn is still running and the pizzeria on Hohemarkstraße you described is still there and doing good business.As a matter of fact, this has been our family restaurant for years, it is in walking distance from our home.

    I remember a bakery being there at the U-Bahn station “Kupferhammerweg”, but this one closed down several years ago. The shop has changed hands a few times, the location is not that good for customers anymore.

    Glad to know you have fond memories! Oh yes, and the Volksmarches. So typical for Germans to take a walk on Sundays, with or without a medal at the end:-), but a beer in hand.

  5. David Jackman says

    Thank You so much for you video walking tours and these photos. They brought back many fond memories. On my second tour to Germany, my wife I lived in Neu Anspach and then at Camp King. We were the last military family living there. I was the 22 Signal Brigade Executive Officer and was responsible to move the Brigade Headquarter to Darmstadt and ensure the post was properly returned to the German government. My office was in the big building at the top of the hill and I lived next door to it. The only time I could walk to work.

    My seven years in Deutschland was a wonderful experience. For five of those years, I lived off base in Wurzburg and then in Neu Anspach and met so many wonderful people.

  6. Interesting! For the past 23 years, I have been living adjacent to the former Camp King, and my hometown is Schweinfurt (near Würzburg), the former home of two other army bases: Ledward and Conn Barracks.

  7. George Rusnak says

    I was stationed in Camp King from Feb 1946 to Aug 1952.

  8. Alton Jarman says

    The top floor of the TMO&CC was the BOQ (Bachelor Officers Quarters)

  9. Bob Besse says

    I served in the 513th MI Group at Camp King on two occasions between 1964 and 1966. I did the administrative work for INTC field operatives. My little office was near the entrance to one of the two original “long buildings” constructed by the Germans. These original buildings were single story with small concrete cells running the full length of the building beneath the main floor. My father was a POW 8th Air Force B-17 pilot who was shot down and brought to Dulag Luft (Camp King) in the spring of 1944; thereafter transported to Stalag Luft III in Sagan. I talked to my dad about his short stay there in 1944,

  10. George Jaso says

    I was at Camp King with USATRANCOMEUR from 1974 to 1977

  11. Sergio A Smith says

    Wow I lived there as a child from 1964 to 1968 It brings back so many memories, unfortunately both of my parents have passed. I remember playing in the snow and going fishing with my family up in the Taunus mountians. I thank you for this site

  12. David G. Chihanick says

    Hello .., I was stationed there at Camp King with the 570th MP Platoon from November 1980 to June 1981. I never stop thinking about my former duty station. Would definitely wish to visit there someday , hopefully soon.

  13. Mark G Larson says

    I was stationed at Camp King with the 570th Military Police Platoon from January 1977 to August 1978. Great place to live and really enjoyed “Riding the Rails”.

  14. Mark Toigo says

    Lived on Camp King from Dec 62 till Dec 65. Age 11-15 Got a job cleaning bowling pins and clean up. Only job a kid could find on such a small base. Used to go
    Cliff climbing at a black granite cliff with a large X carved into the face. Just outside the base in the woods. Me and my friend Manfred. Good Times.

  15. Fred Schloss says

    Bob Besse, you may have known my father. His name was Art Schloss, and he was also 513th MI. He retired at Camp King, but continued to work there until we left in July of 1964. He was used as an interpreter/interrogator, having had a lot of experience at both, and speaking extremely fluent German, including the dialects. He may have worked for Colonel Cundiff, as his paperwork contains several letters of commendation signed by him. I loved CK. Prettiest post I’d ever seen.

  16. Paul Gerhard Fischer says

    Dear Mrs. Shipley, dear former Members of the US Forces at Camp King,
    once again I take the opportunity to write you some sentences to Camp King. Before we move to Seoul RoK, we lived in the housing building 1050 in the third floor on the left side of this buildung (4rooms)
    as members of the federal government employment services, I have served for 40 years. It has been a surprised for me , to live in an appartment I know before 55 year already, because some american friends of mine, lived in the same appartment. So all my former rememberings comes true again and I have been happy about this a lot!. Now here in Seoul we are thanksful to have the US Forces as a second defense organization together with the RoK-Forces as peace-keeper in the actuell military and political situation in the past and in the future. Thanks a lot to all the american military staff and civiliant people ,who did the same in my hometown in Camp King Oberursel. Also to you for your excellent historical descriptions about it. When I read it from time to time, I become a little bit homesick…….
    sincerely Paul Gerhard Fischer and Familie Seoul RoK

  17. Alwin Eugene says

    My father was stationed in Camp King personnel office from 1960 to 1964. I attended Frankfurt Elementary School starting in the first grade. I remember sledding down The Hill from the officers club, and also swimming in the huge swimming pool complex in Oberusal along with my brothers and sisters. What a great place to live! Bowling was only 10cents per game. We lived in building 1048.

  18. Elizabeth Marie Reeve says

    This was a comment by my mother. She passed away January 26, 2022. I am glad I found this.

  19. Chris Phoebus says

    Stationed at Rhein Main AB and my wife worked at Camp King 1980-1981 in TRANSCOMAND. Fond memories of our tour there.

  20. Henry W. Persons, Jr. says

    I was stationed there for three and a half years (early 1978 to the summer of 1981) as the Chief of Intelligence and Security Branch, Security and Plans and Operations, 4th Transportation Brigade/TRANSCOM. When I first got there, I lived in Frankfurt and commuted to the camp via the strass, getting off at the stop just below the main gate. Later when my wife and two sons arrived, we lived in the temporary quarters (attic or maid quarters in one of the enlisted apartment buildings). My wife was pregnant when she, my two sons, and dog about six weeks after I arrived. Shortly afterward, I got a permanent apartment in one of the officer buildings. At the time, I was a captain but was later promoted to major. In early June 1978, my daughter was born in Frankfort at the old 93rd General Hospital. We all enjoyed out 3.5 years there. It was one of the best and most enjoyable assignment during my nearly 25-year Army service. On my second tour in German, 1985-1988, we did briefly visit Camp King. It looked the same, and I actually encountered on person who remembered me from my days there. I do not know what remains now, but as I recall, the old officer’s club had been designated as a historical site, so perhaps, if nothing else, it is still there.

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