School Life in South Korea and Finland

South Korea and Finland – what a stark contrast in school life.

Student life in South Korea: cram school till midnight, four hours of sleep are the norm, school attendance in high school till 10pm, high cost of cram school education, study for exams only, pressure to get into a top-notch university, etc.

Finnish students have a 20-work school week. This allows them to spend this extra time outside of school to do practical things:  meeting friends, spending time with family, having time to earn some money on the side, reading for pleasure, etc.

First Graders and Paper Cones in Germany

If you see an elementary student, holding proudly a big paper cone filled with presents, then you know it is the very first day of school here in Hesse.

Most Germans see this is a serious affair – this is when ‘Der Ernst des Lebens beginnt’ (The serious side of life begins). Some moms even cry, because they worry about their children and the ‘serious effects’ school could have on them.

On the other hand, when our international kids started school, we were so happy and pleased to have come so far. We told them to enjoy school and the healthy and fun environment provided by good educators.

If you want to know more about the origin of the Schultüte, visit:

This shows me on my first day of school. Back in 1967, cones were usually filled with essentials mostly, such as school supplies, but also a few sweets. My home state of Bavaria starts the new school year very late by mid-September, hence the warmer clothing.

My first day of school in September 1967

My first day of school in September 1967

Vacancy at Frankfurt International School

Posted 8 June 2016

Applications are invited for the following position:

►        Full time Teacher Assistant for Upper School to work with small groups of students offering additional support effective 1 August 2016 until 31 July 2017

Applications should be in writing and directed to Daniel Cowan with copy to Rita De La Cruz within seven working days of this notice.

Rita De La Cruz
Human Resources Manager

Frankfurt International School
Tel.:         +49 (0) 6171-2024478
Mobile:    +49 (0)172-7602097


Vacancy at Frankfurt International School

Posted 3 June 2016:

Applications are invited for the following positions:

►        Activities Director/Assistant to the Athletic Director effective 1 August 2016

►        Temporary Elementary bi-lingual teacher (German/English) effective 1 August 2016 until 31 July 2017 to replace a teacher on a special assignment

►        Temporary Elementary Classroom teacher effective 1 August 2016 until 9 February 2017 parental leave replacement

Applications should be in writing and directed to Will Moncrief for the Activities Director and to  Peter Baker for the ES openings with copy to Rita De La Cruz within seven working days of this notice.

Rita De La Cruz
Human Resources Manager

Frankfurt International School
An der Waldlust 15
61440 Oberursel, Germany
Mobile:    +49 (0)172-7602097
Fax.:        +49 (0) 6171-2024384

Vacancy at Frankfurt International School

Posted 18 May 2016

Applications are invited for the following position:

►        Elementary Library Assistant effective 1 August 2016, 83% of TG 6

Applications should be in writing and directed to Peter Baker with copy to Rita De La Cruz within seven working days of this notice.

Frankfurt International School
An der Waldlust 15
61440 Oberursel, Germany
Tel.:         +49 (0) 6171-2024478

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