Planned U-Bahn Strike Tomorrow, Friday 13 April 2018

A planned strike will impact the U-Bahn service tomorrow, Friday 13 April. It will include all U-Bahn and tram service in the Frankfurt area, and this means that the U3 train will not service the Oberursel area.

Note: The strike will not impact regular public bus service or the S-Bahn.

Here is a translated version of the RMV’s official closure notice.

More information about the service disruption can be found (in German) at


Bicycles on Trains and Buses around Frankfurt

Yesterday’s question from an expat was about taking bicycles on board of trains in buses in and around the Frankfurt area.

Here is a short explanation of what you can and cannot do.


RMV Fahrrad mitnehmen

* You can bring your bicycle free of charge on trains and buses of the RMV.

* There are no restrictions for bikes on the S-Bahn and regional trains.

* The following restrictions only apply to U-Bahn, trams and buses:

Bringing your bike onto the U-Bahn, tram, or bus is NOT allowed Monday – Friday between 6:00 – 8:30 and 16:00 – 18:30 (morning and evening rush hour)

All other times (except the listed rush hour times from Mon – Fri) and all other days (weekends and Hessian school breaks), you can bring your bike along.

* You can’t bring your bike onto a minibus.

* Please remember that wheel chairs and strollers/baby carriages always have priority.

The mention of the evening rush hour times prompted another topic – why Germans go to bed so early. There will be more about that in my next post.


RMV Ticket Machines Frankfurt

One of the most simple inquiries I deal with from foreign friends is on how to use the ticket machine. Most information about how to use the machine can be had on RMV’s website RMV Ticket Machines.

Two worthwhile points about buying tickets are not mentioned though:

* A few machines only take coins, such as ours at the station Oberursel Altstadt (formerly Portstrasse). So it’s best to always carry some spare change on you unless you have enough time to run back across the tracks to buy your ticket from the opposite machine.

* Coins sometimes fall through. That is when passengers need to rub the coin rim on the machine first, which then makes the coin acceptable.

Ticket machine with scratch marks

These three black-rimmed ovals are signs of coins scratched against its surface. As one of our out-of-country visitors noted, enough friction over the years make them look like burn marks indeed.

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