Six Ways to Get Rid of these White Worms in the Bio-Waste Trash Can

One of the frequently asked questions is how to get rid off these white larvae in the bio-waste trash can. These white worms come about when flies drop their eggs on top of the bio-waste.

There are several ways to get rid of them:

  1. Have your waste container emptied every chance you get –  even if you hardly have anything in it.
  2. Rinse it out with the garden hose, and let it drip-dry upside down.
  3. You can buy some powder to kill the larvae  at most home-improvement centers and online. Look for: Biotonnen-Pulver, gelöschter Kalk (calcium hydroxide) oder Gesteinsmehl (rock flour).
  4. Keep your container as dry as possible. It helps to wrap your bio waste in newspaper, which soaks up any dampness or liquid.
  5. The cheapest home remedy is salt and vinegar. Drop this mixture onto the container walls, then wipe it off. Make sure not too much vinegar ends up at the bottom. It is important to keep the container dry.
  6. Get one of these bio-waste protectors (see Amazon link below). They help to keep the flies out.

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