Quotes for Teachers

I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.

– Socrates

Fauna in Ireland

Quotes for Teachers

Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theatre.

– Gail Goldwin

Kilcrohane, Ireland

Kilcrohane, Ireland

Vacancy at Frankfurt International School

Posted 29 May 2015:

Applications are invited for the following position:

►        Elementary bi-lingual Classroom teacher (fluent in German and English) effective 1 August 2015 until 31 July 2016

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Vacancy at Frankfurt International School

Announcement from 30 April 2015:

Applications are invited for the following positions effective 1 August 2015:

►        22% German teacher at the primary school division

►        Temporary elementary classroom teacher due to enrollment until 31 July 2016

►        Temporary elementary classroom teacher parental leave replacement

Applications should be in writing and directed to the individual principals with copy to Rita De La Cruz within seven working days of this notice.

Rita De La Cruz
Human Resources Manager

Frankfurt International School
An der Waldlust 15
61440 Oberursel, Germany
Tel.:         +49 (0) 6171-2024478
Mobile:    +49 (0)172-7602097
Fax.:        +49 (0) 6171-2024384

Vacancy at Frankfurt International School

Posted 04 March 2015

Applications are invited for the following positions:

►        Temporary 40% Elementary School ESL teacher effective immediately until 24 June 2015

►        Temporary Part-time School Nurse, Tariff Group 7 effective immediately until 30 June 2016

Monday and Tuesday from 0830-1530, 6.5 working hours per day

Applications should be in writing and directed to Peter Baker for the teaching position and Detlev Siebrecht for the nurse position within seven working days of this notice with copy to me.

Rita De La Cruz

Human Resources Manager

Frankfurt International School
An der Waldlust 15
61440 Oberursel, Germany
Tel.:         +49 (0) 6171-2024478
Mobile:    +49 (0)172-7602097
Fax.:        +49 (0) 6171-2024384

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