German Word of the Day: der Kassenzettel (receipt)

Recently, when shopping at our nearby supermarket, I noticed a different quality and color in the receipt paper. The first time, I figured it was just the end of the paper roll. Today’s receipt looked the same, so I finally took a closer look, and found the explanation on the back of it.

Up until now, receipts from EDEKA supermarket, used to be white in color, and somewhat shiny due to their chemical lining. Hence, they were not meant for the paper trash, but the plastic trash. All this has changed.

Environmentally friendly receipts

The new receipts are better for the environment. See pointers.

  • ohne chemische Farbentwickler (without chemical color enhancer)
  • über das Altpapier entsorgen und recycelbar (please add to the paper bin, it is recycable)
  • beständig gegen Umwelteinflüsse (resistant against environmental impacts)
  • zugelassen für den direkten Kontakt mit Lebensmittel (paper approved for direct contact with dry goods)

This is a good sign in regards to our environment. When we use fewer chemicals and reduce plastic trash, we’re heading in the right direction. Thank you, EDEKA.

Life in Germany in the Time of Corona

My favorite word right now is fiddlefart*. I’ve got so much time on my hands, and I actually work through my to-do list, but there is not much to show for. This gives me an early taste of what retiring might look like.

I’m on Day 5 now, and we are still free to move. But there are restrictions, and as time passes, there are more to come.

Outdoor facilities such as playgrounds, pools, etc. are closed. This photo shows the playground at Camp King, with a red and white barrier tape at Camp King.

This morning at the super market seemed a normal one. Searching for batteries, I turned the corner into another aisle, and was reprimanded by someone in a closely standing group of three: “Bitte Abstand halten!” (Keep your distance!). Sure, this makes sense. Not.

I just nodded, smiled, and approached the batteries from the other end. The group remained there, and continued talking without keeping distance. Ja, ja, the little policemen are out there. 🙂

Some customers kept the recommended distance while waiting in line. One lady though was almost breathing down my neck, and before I could turn around to say something, her husband pointed it out to her. She then retracted, but not without chiding him first.

I saw an appeal on social media about giving health care workers, and all others assisting in this time of crisis, a big shout-out by applauding. This is supposed to happen by the open window, or balcony, every evening at 9pm. So far I have not heard anything around here.

This coming Sunday, 22 March at 18:00, a Flash-Mob from your Balcony event is planned. We are supposed to hear: Beethovens Schlusschoral Freude Schöner Götterfunken (Beethoven’s final chorale on Ode to Joy).

More information in German here:
Hessischer Musikverband e.V.

These are interesting times.

* to fiddlefart (verb): to linger aimlessly; to look busy while accomplishing nothing.

What to Do with Quark from the German Supermarket

Another curiosity among my international friends is what to do with ‘Quark’ from the supermarket in Germany. The dairy section also offers Schmand, Crème fraîche, Quark, Frischkäse, etc., but today we focus on Quark.

Besides making ‘Käsekuchen’ (cheese cake) with it, there are many more savory ways to enjoy it. This one seemed the easiest to make:

Potatoes with Quark and linseed oil

Potatoes with quark and linseed oil


250gr  low fat soft cheese (Quark)

some onion grass

chopped onion

1 Tbsp linseed oil (German: Leinöl)

3 Tbsp milk

salt + pepper to taste

The Quark itself is a bit jello-like, so adding three Tbsp milk will give it a creamier consistency.


onion grass

I’ve got my own onion grass growing on the balcony

While contemplating its taste, I also remembered the American baked potato topped with bacon bits. Yes, I had ‘Schinkenwürfel’ (similar to bacon bits once fried) at home, and added this halfway through my meal. Oh, it was good.


Schinken means ham, but this is more of a ‘roher Schinken’ (crude), so once fried, it does resemble bacon bits.

Potatoes with Quark

Potatoes with Quark

This combination of potatoes, Quark and linseed oil is high in protein and omega-3 fatty acid.

It is also quick to make and these day-to-day ingredients are low in price.

There is Quark with 20% fat and 40%fat. For this dish, the 20% fat Quark is good enough, because the extra ingredients, especially the linseed oil, add more taste.

Nikolaus or Santa in Germany

About a week ago, I spotted all these Nikoläuse (plural for Nikolaus) in our local supermarket.

Either the Nikolaus’s  early appearance had lapsed into oblivion over the years, or sales are getting more aggressive. It’s probably a combination of both.

Nikolaus at the German supermarket

These Stiefelgeschenke (stocking fillers) are meant for the morning of December 6, when Nikolaus comes around, and rewards the good children by stuffing goodies into their boots left outside the home.

Even though Nikolaus might resemble Santa, they are two different traditions . Nikolaus was a Greek bishop (4th century) and Santa, well, he is from the Northpole.

I do miss the 60s for our innocence. We children did not expect anything and there was nothing whatsoever, resembling Nikolaus (Dec 6) or Christkind (Dec 24), in any village grocery store. Our parents left us behind with an aunt, when they did their Christmas shopping in the nearby town.

I have to admit I had my first taste of Lebkuchen and Zimtsterne (traditional Christmas cookies). The other day though, I refused a cup of hot Glühwein (mulled wine), as I don’t want to have it too early, because I might get tired of it even before the Christmarket season begins.
At Allthingsgerman, you can read more on Der Niklaustag.


Oberursel Hohemark Construction

Local news


From 25 October until the end of November, there will be construction along the Hohemark Street between EDEKA supermarket  and the roundabout near the Primary School (end of the  U 3 line).

Traffic will be reduced to one lane and controlled by a signal, so please be aware that commuting along that route will take considerably longer.

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