The Quest for Bunkers in Germany

Ever since the Russian invasion into Ukraine started, some Germans have begun hoarding groceries, buying emergency generators (some home improvement centers have sold out), and inquiring about renting or buying a bunker room.

I watched the German news today, and they had interviewed an entrepreneur who earns a living from renting and selling bunkers in Germany. Before the war with Ukraine, he said, he had four or five inquiries about renting/buying a bunker a week. Now he gets 400 inquiries a week.

Some shoppers around here have been hoarding mostly oil, flour, and toilet paper (among some other items).

My hometown of Schweinfurt (northern Bavaria) hosts a Bunkermuseum, and because of the current development, the number of inquiries for guided tours has been on the rise.

Autobahn in Germany

Feeling safe for now, and greetings from Germany.

Parking at the Marketplace in Oberursel

Based on the cars featured in this historical postcard, it might be safe to say this image is from the 1960s. Parking is no longer allowed there though.

Oberursel Marketplace 1960s

Other than the absence of parked cars, not much has changed since this photo has been taken.

The marketplace is still a sloping ground, and the farmers market takes place there on Saturday mornings.

Vacancy at Frankfurt International School

Posted 9 January 2014

Applications are invited for the following position:

►        Design & Technology Technician, effective 12 May 2014 until 18 June 2014 (possibly longer), tariff group 5 of the salary scale for non-teaching staff.

Applications should be in writing and directed to Rhiannon Wood with copy to Rita De La Cruz within seven working days of this notice.
Visit for more information.

Vacancy at Frankfurt International School

Posted 09 January 2013

Applications are invited for the following position:

► tentative position for Activities Director/Assistant to the Athletic Director effective 1 August 2013 until 31 July 2015

Applications for the Activities Director/Assistant to the Athletic Director should be addressed to the Head of School, Paul Fochtman.

More on:

Vacancy at Frankfurt International School

Posted 29 November 2012

Applications are invited for the following position:

►        Temporary upper school Technology Integration Specialist (ICT) effective 1 August 2013 until 31 July 2014.
We seek an experienced teacher with great interpersonal and technology skills to work with our upper school faculty helping them integrate technology effectively into teaching. This is initially a one-year parental leave position.

Internal applications should be in writing and directed to Rhiannon Wood with copy to Rita De La Cruz within seven working days of this notice.
External candidates should apply through the following link on our website

Rita De La Cruz
Human Resources Manager
Frankfurt International School
An der Waldlust 15
61440 Oberursel, Germany
Tel.:         +49 (0) 6171-2024478
Mobile:    +49 (0)172-7602097
Fax.:        +49 (0) 6171-2024384

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