What Germans like to buy for New Year’s Eve (Silvester)

The German supermarkets have been swamped since yesterday. The madness will continue until tomorrow afternoon, 31 Dec, when the shops close at 2pm. Here are a few items Germans like to buy around this time of year.

Clover, pigs, and chimney sweeps are good luck charms and make a nice thank-you present for co-workers, neighbors, etc.

chimney sweep

Fireworks sell out quickly. Our children got their own share of firecrackers and bottle rockets.

Germans spent 113 million euro on fireworks last year. If I had any say in this, I would stop this waste.

fireworks for sale in German supermarket

Then, some of us tend to give our friends drinks with interesting labels, such as ‘Kalte Muschi’, which is a coke and red wine mix, or plain red wine with an alluring name.

Drink names

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.”

(Little Gidding)
― T.S. Eliot

Lucky Charms for the German New Year

Between Christmas and  New Year, most supermarkets and bakeries sell these lucky charms.

chocolate piglet: das Schokoladenschweinchen

chocolate piglets

chocolate piglets

marzipan piglet: das Marzipan Schweinchen

marzipan piglets

marzipan piglets

das Marzipan Schweinchen mit Schornsteinfeger (m)

chimney sweeps and pigs

chimney sweeps and pigs

der Schornsteinfeger mit Fliegenpilz (m)

toadstool with chimneysweep

chimney sweep with toadstool

der Schornsteinfeger mit Berliner

donuts for New Year's Eve

donuts for New Year’s Eve

There are numerous temptations out there.

Same procedure as every year.

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