German Term of the Day: der Standort

Frankfurt Airport is the second biggest airport in Europe (after Heathrow Airport London). So yes, it helps to find an orientation map on the parking ticket machine.

Ihr Standort (der Stand + der Ort) is German for ‘your location’.

You stand here. 🙂 = You are here.

Expecting Traffic Disruptions due to Motorcade in Oberursel on 28 February 2021

This coming Sunday, 28 February, a parade of vehicles will be coming through Oberursel North, Oberursel City, and Bommersheim. This motorcade, organized by the ‘Querdenker‘ movement, is in line with the Freedom of Assembly according to Article 8 of the German Constitution.

Several protests have been held in Germany against German governmental COVID-19 measures.

The parade in Oberursel is from 14:00-16:00 on Sunday. Also, between 13:30 and 18:00, you can expect loudspeaker announcements throughout that time.

German Word of the Day: der Querdenker

Querdenker (lit: lateral thinkers) are in opposition to the German government COVID-19 measures. They protest and organize motorcades, and refuse social distancing as well.

On its local Querdenker Facebook group, I have seen only four people have signed up to join this event so far (seen 26 Feb at 19:30). We shall see.

Sledding on the Mountain Lodge Hill in Oberursel, Germany

The last time we saw children sledding on the Mountain Lodge Hill in Oberursel must have been ten years ago.

If you are new the area, and need directions: This hill is in the housing area called Camp King, behind the EDEKA supermarket on Hohemarkstrasse, and in fairly close proximity to Frankfurt International School (FIS).

Oberursel, Germany

Germany’s Very First Garage Stands in Oberursel

And of course, it was built for a Volkswagen, so this makes it a Volksgarage. If you want to know more about the history of this garage, visit Graham’s website AllThingsGerman.

The location of this garage is at the end of the street Camp-King-Allee in Oberursel. It has been there since around 1938, and is a listed building.

Restaurant at the Old Market Square in Oberursel

This historical postcard dates back to 1898, when the corner building at the Marktplatz (market square) used to be ‘Droeser’s Felsenkeller’, a restaurant with garden service.

On 12 October 1895, Mr. Adam J. H. Droeser opened the Felsenkeller (rock wall cellar) Restaurant.

The address was am Marktplatz 1, which houses the Vordertaunusmuseum (Anterior Taunus Museum) today.

Below is a photo of the same location, taken on 30 January 2019.

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