Quote of the Day

Books are the engines of change, windows on the world, lighthouses erected in the sea of time. They are companions, teachers, magicians, guardians of the treasures of the mind. Books are humanity in print.

– Sir Ian McKellen (quoting Barbara W. Tuchman and others) at the Paralympic Opening Ceremony –


Quote of the Day

For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.

– John F. Kennedy –

Chinese New Year or The Year of the Rabbit 4709

It’s that time of year again! If 2011 hasn’t gotten off to a good start for you, perhaps the year 4709, better known as the Year of the Rabbit or Hare, will be better.

February 3, 2011 starts the 15-day celebration. Here are some links if you are interested in more information:

The holiday spot,

123 chinese new year

Chinese fortune calendar

… and 祝 你 们 新 年 快 乐!

On the other hand, if you read the article Sign of the times: Astrology story soars like a comet, you might want to stick to the Chinese calendar anyway. Some astrology buffs had to take a hard blow earlier this month when they found out that astrologers have been reading the stars all wrong.

This would move me from Capricorn to Sagittarius, but only if I believed in it. On most days, I don’t.

RMV Ticket Machines Frankfurt

One of the most simple inquiries I deal with from foreign friends is on how to use the ticket machine. Most information about how to use the machine can be had on RMV’s website RMV Ticket Machines.

Two worthwhile points about buying tickets are not mentioned though:

* A few machines only take coins, such as ours at the station Oberursel Altstadt (formerly Portstrasse). So it’s best to always carry some spare change on you unless you have enough time to run back across the tracks to buy your ticket from the opposite machine.

* Coins sometimes fall through. That is when passengers need to rub the coin rim on the machine first, which then makes the coin acceptable.

Ticket machine with scratch marks

These three black-rimmed ovals are signs of coins scratched against its surface. As one of our out-of-country visitors noted, enough friction over the years make them look like burn marks indeed.

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