Early Years at the Motor Pool in Oberursel (1945-1956)

After having worked for Rolls-Royce for more than fifty years, Mr. Helmut Hujer then spent the next ten years working on this book – a huge compilation of stories and photos. This was his Lebenswerk (the work of a lifetime).

The book has almost 800 pages, weighs close to 11 lbs, and spans the 125-year history of the Motor Pool from 1892 – 2017.

To see a list of the people’s names having contributed to the book, visit this Personenregister or List of contributors.

I’ve purchased a copy myself, and THIS is the work of a lifetime. If you’d like to contact the author, send him a message: hujer.helmut@t-online.de

125 Years of Motor Pool History in Oberursel, Germany

After years of intensive research and collecting photos, Mr. Helmut Hujer, published his book 125 Jahre Motorenfabrik Oberursel in September 2017.

The book includes 125 years of the history of the Motor Pool from 1892 – 2017.

U.S. Americans worked at the Motor Pool from 1945 – 1956.

M.I.S. Center Motor Pool at Rolls Royce in Oberursel, Germany in 1945

(Photo credit goes to John Dolibois, with his permission to publish)

I got in contact with Mr. Hujer through one of my blog readers, Jack Stites. Jack, who had worked at the Motor Pool from 1954 – 1955, then contributed some photos for this publication.

Book about Motor Pool, Oberursel

List of contributors to the book: 125 Years of the Motor Pool Oberursel

If you are in Oberursel, you can purchase the book for euro 50 at the Vortaunusmuseum, at the Werksmuseum Rolly-Royce, or directly from the author (hujer.helmut@t-online.de).

If you are in the U.S.A. and want it shipped (896 pages, weight: 11 lbs), then add the postage fee of euro 37,99 to the book price.

If you need help getting this arranged, then drop me a line.

Quote of the Day

The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.

~ Unknown

weeping willow

weeping willow

This weeping willow (German: die Trauerweide) is growing very nicely on our balcony.

Annie Jacobsen and Operation Paperclip – Book Research in Germany

In the summer of 2012, the author Annie Jacobsen sent me an e-mail inquiring whether she could meet Mr. Kopp, our Camp King Historian, and me on her trip to Germany the following month.

She came to do her research on Nazi Germany for her book Operation Paperclip, and then the three of us toured various sites together. She initially had asked me to function as her interpreter, which was not necessary, because Mr Kopp’s English is close to fluent. For our warm-up session and discussing the day’s agenda, we started out at our local pizzeria :-).

Ms Jacobsen and Mr Kopp

Ms Jacobsen and Mr Kopp

Ms Jacobsen in front of the Mountain Lodge, Oberursel

Ms Jacobsen in front of the Mountain Lodge, Oberursel


More about Ms Jacobsen’s visit in August 2012 here at: A Visit to Schloss Kransberg.

This book is also available on amazon.com: Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America

Mr. Kopp just sent me a note, reminding me of Operation Paperclip having gotten published on 11 Feb of this year. And we were both mentioned in her acknowledgements on page 665.

Thanks for the mention, Annie. We had an interesting day with you as well.

First English Book Case in Frankfurt

Sharing the newsletter sent out by the English Theatre Frankfurt on 30 October 2013.


On Thursday 24th October 2013, the English Theatre Frankfurt (ETF) opened Europe’s first public book case exclusively for books written in English.

Our guests of honor were Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann and the former Mayor of Cultural Affairs, Hilmar Hoffmann, among other wonderful friends of the ETF.

Take a look at the opening with the ensemble of Saturday Night Fever and our Lord Mayor: http://www.flickr.com/photos/69838251@N05/sets/72157636930213096/

The book case works like this:

People are invited to leave books for others to take, like a book exchange in a public space. We believe this will work splendidly in front of our main entrance, as the performances draw not only thousands of teachers and students but also native speakers who live and work in Frankfurt as well as people who are generally interested in the English language.

The ETF has taken on the responsibility for the book case. Our staff will make sure that the book case is clean and that there are no inappropriate books on display.

Please join us in launching our book case by bringing an English book with you to the previews of Saturday Night Fever, or when passing by the theatre. Whether it’s a classroom favorite or a personal favorite, your book will help make the first English book case in Frankfurt a success.

Please pass this message on to your friends who might want to contribute to the first public book case IN ENGLISH.

“The young need discipline and a full bookcase”

– Vivienne Westwood –

– end of quote –

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