Greengrocer’s Apostrophe on Mallorca

Where there are some Germans gathered, you will also find the Deppenapostroph, a.k.a. the greengrocer’s apostrophe.

On the island of Mallorca, I found these two advertisements in one afternoon.

The word Trikot (a soccer jersey), with French origin, should also be spelled with the letter t at the end, while remaining silent in pronunciation.
TRIKO’S should read TRIKOTS

The Tapa’s For Two could have been written by either German or Briton.

Tuna is Thunfisch in German

I admit, I like to find misspelled words in German advertising. This was posted at the local EDEKA supermarket the other day.

After I pointed it out to one of the cashiers, she immediately had someone come and correct it.

Tun is the German infinitive for “to do”. The correct spelling is Thunfisch.
Just in case you wonder what Seeteufel is. There are quite a few translations, such as monk fish, angler-fish, angler, sea-devil, frog-fish, and fishing-frog.

Pumpkins For Sale

On our way to our daughter’s horseback riding activity, we always pass by this farmer’s market in Steinbach.

The owner chatted me up a bit, but I did not have the heart to tell him his sign, advertising pumpkins, was misspelled. Plural of Kürbis is Kürbisse.

Pumpkins for sale

This is a beautiful market, worth a stop in any season. They also have a bakery and a small meat shop.

Windecker’s Spezialitäten
Eschborner Str. 32 in 61449 Steinbach (Ts) Tel: 06171 – 98 20 53

Hofgut Windecker in Steinbach

German Street Signs

Street sign near Wehrheim

For the category Our own language blunders, I have found another one by chance as we were driving around and getting lost in the darkness on Saturday evening. This time though, it is for the reader to locate the mistake and feel free to share your knowledge with a comment.

The Gemeindevorstand (parish council) either wrote this himself or at least had to approve of the text. Could the blunder be a Hessian dialect?

The sign was spotted outside of Wehrheim, a small town 30 km (20 miles) north of Frankfurt.

German Advertising in Oberursel

The other day I spotted this sign above the store front of a local  shoe shop.

German advertisement

There is a pun intended, but I just don’t see it.

The regular form Sparen beim Schuhkauf means Save money when buying shoes.

Had it been spelled spa(a)ren to lead to the verb paaren (German for: to pair/to match), I’d recognize the ad writer’s intention as in  the idea of matching pairs, or buying one pair and the second one is free, etc.

I need some help with my  German – Can anyone tell me what spahren means?

Phantasie ist unser guter Genius oder unser Dämon.
– Immanuel Kant –

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