English Study Book Recommendations

I was asked  to compile a list of recommended English study books for the summer break for a student of mine. I might as well share it with everyone. This list is geared at the 11th/12th grade of the local Gymnasium ( high school), where English is taught as a foreign language, but it also applies to any high school student learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The recommended books on writing are an integral part in any library – including the one of a native speaker of English.

For idioms:

Dictionary of Idioms (Collins Cobuild)

For vocabulary:

The Vocabulary Builder: The Practically Painless Way to a Larger Vocabulary (Study Smart Series)

Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

Writing skills:

100 Ways to Improve Your Writing (Mentor)

The Elements of Style

On Writing Well, 30th Anniversary Edition: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction

Most of these books are on my shelf – or my husband’s, for that matter.

Finnish-English Berlitz Bilingual Dictionary

In the Finnish section, syllables are separated by hyphens, making the Finnish language easier to pronounce. Apart from the pronounciation guide, this little book also covers time, numerals, abbreviations, basic phrases and has a menu section.
Filled with practical vocabulary for every situation, this pocket-sized dictionary is useful for travel or home study. “The Finnish-English Bilingual Dictionary” features 12,500 cross-references and pronunciation for each word.

For more information on the dictionary or to order, click on the image below.

Webster’s College Dictionary

Webster’s annually updated dictionary gives a great variety of brand new vocabulary as well as archaic words and origins of the English language. For example, it includes the latest vocabulary, such as cookie, chat room, bot, and terybyte, as well as cyberjargon, etc. This kind of vocabulary especially appeals to generation X.

Readers young and old will appreciate the various sections, such as “Avoiding Offensive Language” or “Guide for Writers”. There are geographical updates, as well as inclusions of computer lingo and the latest devolepment in slang vocabulary. As always, it includes its regular features of definitions, line drawings, maps, charts, essays, and usage advice.

It competes well with other dictionaries in its class.

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