English Ads in Italy

While in Japan I had gotten overdosed with Let’s fun, and so when I saw this pizza vending machine at the airport in Trapani, Sicily, it brought back some quaint memories.

Let's Pizza in Italy

Let’s pizza! It almost seems worth having a slogan as we had a hard time finding a pizzeria in Trapani. When we did find one, it was either closed or not serving pizza till dinner time.

More power to – Let’s Pizza!

Now seriously: Let’s Pizza is not proper English. After Let’s (Let us do something), we have to use a verb and not a noun.

Can you imagine, e.g Let’s ice cream, let’s homework, let’s bed, let’s computer . They are wrong.

Conferenza del Prof. Domenico Pietropaolo

L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Francoforte ha il piacere di invitarVi alla conferenza del Prof. Domenico Pietropaolo (Università di Toronto) sul tema “Matematica e pensiero scientifico europeo nell’italiano del Settecento”:

Giovedì 18 marzo 2010, ore 19.00
Istituto Italiano di Cultura
Senckenberganlage 10-12
60325 Francoforte sul Meno

Ingresso gratuito

E´consigliata la prenotazione al numero 069 75 306 605 o tramite e-mail: iicfrancoforte@esteri.it

Domenico Pietropaolo é  direttore  del Dipartimento di Italianistica dell’Universitá di Toronto, uno dei piú importanti e frequentati centri di studi italiani al di fuori dell’Italia; professore ordinario di italiano e arte drammatica, ha tra i suoi maggiori interessi la teoria letteraria, la Commedia dell’Arte, la storia del teatro e la letteratura italiana del 18° Secolo. Presiede inoltre la cattedra presso il St. Michael’s College ed è presidente del Canadian Institute for Mediterranean Studies. È un esperto di Dante, Vico, teoria letteraria, letteratura e scienza, argomenti che ha sviluppato in numerosi articoli e  pubblicazioni; da sempre è impegnato nel progetto di diffusione della lingua italiana nel mondo.

Internationaler Frauentag in Frankfurt

Anlässlich des Internationalen Frauentages 2010, freuen wir uns Sie im Italienischen Kulturinstitut für eine Begegnungsreihe mit italienischen und deutschen Journalistinnen, Autorinnen und Vertreterinnen deutscher Integrationspolitik einzuladen zum Thema:

FRAUEN UND INTEGRATION: In einer Adoptivsprache schreiben

Ansichten italienischer und deutscher Autorinnen/Journalistinnen

Montag, den 8. und Dienstag, den 9. März 2010,  jew. um 19:00 Uhr

Italienisches Kulturinstitut Frankfurt

Senckenberganlage 10-12

Für Infos und  Details  kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.

Reservierung empfohlen unter 069 75 306 605 oder per Email: iicfrancoforte@esteri.it

Veranstaltung in deutscher Sprache

In occasione della giornata internazionale della donna 2010, siamo lieti di invitarVi presso il nostro Istituto a due incontri con giornaliste, scrittrici e rappresentanti delle istituzioni tedesche dal titolo:

DONNE E INTEGRAZIONE – Scrivere in una lingua adottiva

Giornaliste e scrittrici italiane e tedesche a confronto

Lunedì 8 e martedì 9 marzo 2010, ore 19:00

Istituto Italiano di Cultura Frankfurt

Senckenberganlage 10-12

Prenotazione consigliata per telefono al numero 069 75 306 605 o Email: iicfrancoforte@esteri.it

Evento in lingua tedesca

How Italian Can Help You Lose Weight

I have just returned from my Italian class and found this e-mail in my box from a friend in Namibia. No, I am not concerned about gaining weight, but a bit of Italian language could really help you lose some weight and it makes for a fun word play.


1. You walk pasta da bakery.

2. You walk pasta da candy store.

3. You walk pasta da Ice Cream shop.

4. You walk pasta da table and fridge.

With a bit of Italian discipline, this might work.

Shakespeare Goes to a Wedding

A collection of Shakespearean quotes referring to weddings, compiled by Paul S. Clarkson, for the Sunday Sun Magazine, originally published 13 July 1958.

“Men are April when they woo, December when they wed.” — As You Like It, IV, 1, 147.

“They say, best men are moulded out of faults…” –– Measure for Measure, V, 1, 444.

” …here’s a marvellous convenient place for our rehearsal.” — Midsummer Night’s Dream, III, 1,3.

“We’ll come dress you straight. Put on the gown the while.” — The Merry Wives of Windsor, IV, 2, 84.

“I never saw a better-fashion’d gown.” — The Taming of the Shrew, IV, 3, 101.

“Give me my veil; come, throw it o’er my face.” — Twelfth Night, I, 5, 175.

“Come, is the bride ready to go to church?” — Romeo and Juliet, IV, 5, 33.

“What mockery will it be

To want the bridegroom when the priest attends

To speak the ceremonial rites of marriage!” — The Taming of the Shrew,III, 2, 4.

“The bridegroom he is come already.” — Romeo and Juliet, IV, 4, 27.

” … the wedding, mannerly modest, as a measure, full of state and ancientry.”— Much Ado About Nothing, II, 1, 79.

” … I do.” –– The Tempest, I 2, 88.

” Where is that ring, boy?” –– Two Gentlemen of Verona, V, 4, 91.

” … Here’s my ring.” –– Cymbeline, I, 4, 158.

” He took the bride about the neck and kiss’d her lips with … a clamorous smack.” — The Taming of the Shrew, III, 2, 1 79.

” Gentlemen, forward to the bridal dinner.” — The Taming of the Shrew, III, 2, 221.

” And is the bride and bridegroom coming home?” — The Taming of the Shrew, III, 2, 153.

” T’was a sweet marriage…” — The Tempest, II, 1, 72.


For a bit of Shakespearean flair, you might want to consider getting (re)married in Verona. The city has initiated Marry me in Verona! (Sposami a Verona) to become a bit more attractive. The balcony, where the weddings take place, is part of a 14th century building known as Juliet’s House, which was once the home of the Cappello family.

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