“I can resist anything except temptation.”
Oscar Wilde
That’s what I thought when I saw this label at our EDEKA Supermarket in Oberursel-Nord. The German word for vaccine is Impfstoff, and our supermarket now carries this in form of… wine.
For learners of German, this is a quick translation of the label.
It won’t protect you from the virus. But it will make your situation a bit more relaxing. Quality wine for everyone with a sense of humor.
Schützt sicher vor keinem Virus. Macht die Lage aber etwas entspannter. Qualitätswein für alle mit Hang zum Humor.
If you want to make someone smile, give them a bottle of Impfstoff.
der Impfstoff: vaccine
A + impfen: to vaccinate s.o.
Often used in the passive form, which is made from: werden + past participle
Ich werde bald geimpft: I will get vaccinated soon.
Ich wurde noch nicht geimpft: I have not been vaccinated yet.
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