Even the Deutsche Bahn confuses Nikolaus (St. Nicholas, a religious figure, prominent on 6 Dec) with the American Santa.
They called this a Nikolaus Überraschungsaktion 2012 (St. Nicholas surprise event), and yes, I was surprised to see 400 Santas singing instead of 400 Saint Nicholas.
What both Nikolaus and Santa have in common is their probable age, beard, and red outfit. That’s where it ends.
St. Nicholas brings small presents on 6 Dec and Santa may bring bigger ones on 25 Dec.
To add a bit more to this confusion, most Germans have the Christkind deliver the presents on Christmas Eve, 24 December.
Nice try, Deutsche Bahn.
[youtube LJyda7XKNZQ&sns=fb]
More about St. Nicholas on wikipedia.
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